Just in case you were wondering who I live with...
Check out that nice pink bike!
These huge wooden apples down the street from our house...

Delft shopping. Later that day I called a merchant an asshole. He really was being quite rude to us...

Ikea's had this awesome deal going on. The amount you spend in the restaurant is later taken off your bill when you check out with your merchandise. So we've been going there for lunch (my average is about 5 euro) and then we just pick out 5 euro (or however much we spent on food) worth of crap and it's FREE. Here's Audrey's great idea. Just spend as much as you can in the restaurant on stuff you would buy anyway (oj, chocolate, little packets of cheese...lol) and then you can get LOTS of free stuff.

I wouldn't say I'm the luckiest person in the world (this week alone I have fallen off my bike, been ran into by 2 drunk dudes on one bike, got pooped on by a bird and fallen down the stairs) but I HAVE been lucky enough to see quite a few friends from home since I've been here. Thanks to their lovely bands touring schedules. Anyway, a couple weekends ago I took the train up to Steenweijk to see friends from Cali (and one from Germany too) at Trashfest. It was just awesome to see familiar faces. I have a funny video of Marc singing but I'm still trying to figure out how to upload it.
This is just some random guy peeing at Trashfest...

These huge wooden apples down the street from our house...
Delft shopping. Later that day I called a merchant an asshole. He really was being quite rude to us...

Ikea's had this awesome deal going on. The amount you spend in the restaurant is later taken off your bill when you check out with your merchandise. So we've been going there for lunch (my average is about 5 euro) and then we just pick out 5 euro (or however much we spent on food) worth of crap and it's FREE. Here's Audrey's great idea. Just spend as much as you can in the restaurant on stuff you would buy anyway (oj, chocolate, little packets of cheese...lol) and then you can get LOTS of free stuff.

I wouldn't say I'm the luckiest person in the world (this week alone I have fallen off my bike, been ran into by 2 drunk dudes on one bike, got pooped on by a bird and fallen down the stairs) but I HAVE been lucky enough to see quite a few friends from home since I've been here. Thanks to their lovely bands touring schedules. Anyway, a couple weekends ago I took the train up to Steenweijk to see friends from Cali (and one from Germany too) at Trashfest. It was just awesome to see familiar faces. I have a funny video of Marc singing but I'm still trying to figure out how to upload it.
This is just some random guy peeing at Trashfest...
Clara, me, Katrina and Bea out on the town...
I'm getting really excited about my trip to Sweden with my dad. He'll be here on July 9th...I think, and we're supposed to leave for our trip that Saturday but we don't have anything planned!! All we know is that we want to head up north (maybe Kiruna?) as soon as possible to experience the mid-night sun. I should probably go plan it RIGHT NOW but it's SOOOO HOT (it must be getting to about 80°F these days...probably like 90° in my room!) and the heat some how drains all of the motivation out of me.
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