Last night I was watching CNN (yeah I do that now...a lot) and saw this... I'm thinking this is the next place I want to go...after Holland. They have both a volunteer program as well as an internship program. They provide room and board and a small stipend. I'm sure there's lots of people applying, especially because of CNN but I emailed them to see what's up. We'll see. Bali??...anyone down for a visit? Oh and, I'm not kidding.
So today I went to Den Haag for the first time! I also rode the Netherland's trains on my own for the first time as well. I'm happy to announce that Den Haag is awesomely beautiful. I really wish I could have met the Queen but I guess there's always next time ;)
Lauren (same Lauren from Germany...see below) met me at the train station, good thing or I would have gotten totally lost. She lives in Den Haag with her "family" and knows the city quite well...great tour guide! :) We decided to go to Scheveningen first, because it was still pretty nice out and well, the beach is nicer on nice days!
Scheveningen actually feels like Coney Island minus the rides and the trash and plus some really big palace looking thing...
Then, after we realized we were not going to find the perfect veggie burger in Scheveningen, we decided to go back to Den Haag where we found almost the perfect veggie burger which I forgot to take a pic of. That was followed by lots of sight seeing...
Jess, this felt like London.
And this guy's into peace, see that?
See the fourth flag? It looks like it has hearts all over it, super cute, but I think they're actually tulips.
The Binnenhof and Hofvijver, more prettyness.
Notice the colors of the Dutch flag...
Pretty gold thing...
So, after looking at all of the Queen's old beautiful palaces and stuff...
Too bad some dude wasn't using it!
Upon getting home I was greeted at the door by Caroline who was extremely excited about something. And don't think she didn't tell me alllll about dutch :) After walking in I quickly figured out what I had JUST missed (I stole this from Ineke's blog)...
Robbert made this for dinner tonight, it's called "rice and beans". But, that name doesn't do it it's deserved justice. It's SUPER good. Might have been the best thing I've eaten since I've been here...or maybe just the closest to my kind of "home cookin'"
Shell (like the gas) headquarters are in Den Haag and Shell's real name is Royal Dutch Shell....just in case you were wondering. (my dad, as well as wikipedia taught me these things)
Hey, just thought i would say Hi (i just read Laurens blog and she's got a link).
The rice and bean recipe:
rice. as in plenty
put an onion and a carrot in a pan, mushrooms or pepper of broccoli whatever you have.
add a glass of red wine.
Thyme and sage.
pepper and salt.
a can of tomato stuff
another can of tomatoes themselves
cinnamon and almost half a liter of bouillon/soup.
put the the lentils (and/or kidney beans) in, without their juice.
meat back in too, some ontbijtkoek to go with it and a teaspoon of sugar.
20 min on a soft stove (small fire, have no idea how to put it)
somehow the part of cooking the meat and putting it apart was missed.
o and lots of garlic
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