Museum Park...

Yes, that is a statue of legs(no torso) in the middle of the park...

Five museums in one day...all free! Thank you Museum Weekend.
1. The Netherlands Architecture Institute
2. The Sonneveld House
3. The Chabot Museum
4. The Natural History Museum
5. The Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The NAI had a pretty awesome program going on called "Building for Bouwkunde". Here's the story, last year one of the architecture buildings over at the Technological University of Delft burned down. So apparently, a contest was created to find the best new ideas for the new building. There were more than 400 entries from 50 different countries submitted. Probably about 50 are on display at the NAI right now. My favorite was from a group from Australia. Their whole idea centered around the university being housed in trains! I doubt it would ever get chosen or ever actually work well but DUDE! that's an awesome idea. You can see the winners here...

The Sonneveld house was the home of Mr. and Miss. Sonneveld and their 2 daughters back in the 30's. The pamphlet says "Visitors can experience what modern living was like in the year 1933" It goes on to explain how this house in one of the best surviving examples of the "Nieuwe Bouwen" style of architecture. It was pretty cool. I mean, it was nice to see how wealthy, modern people lived here in Rotterdam back that long ago.

The Chabot Museum was boring. I was in and out of that place within 5 minutes. What a waste of a nice house (I feel bad for saying this...maybe I was just too tired and hungry to appreciate the art)
As far as the Natural History Museum was ok. I was surprised at how small it was. All descriptions and such were in Dutch. Poor me.

The Boijmans Van Beuningen was the coolest! The exhibit titled "Elixir: the video organism of Pipilotti Rist" was awesome. If I could guess how an acid trip would feel while running through a meadow and playing with finger pants, this would be my guess. The different "stations" were all different places you could lay down (on the floor, beds, cushions) and look up at the ceiling where there were weirdo psychedelic videos being projected. CRAZY FUN.

Did you know that this is legal here?