Wednesday's are my day off and now that the weather has been nice I've been going on little bike adventures. Anyone that is actually reading this probably knows that I live in a big (well, big as in just about 600,000 people) modern city, which I love! But by the time Wednesday rolls around I've usually had enough of the city and really feel like seeing some country and all those stereotypical Dutch things one hears about. So, with this feeling I planned a trip to Gouda (yes, like the cheese). Google maps told me that it would be about 25 kilometers (16 miles or so) but it felt like waaaay more. Maybe because I took this really roundabout way and there was lots of wind. But I did finally make it, after stopping to take lots of pictures, read my book (White Oleander), and talk to my new friend, Bart! I finally got there around 4, looked around the center, got a tiny scoop of ice cream, shopped around De NatuurWinkel where I got a sample of cheese (good thing seeing that I was in Gouda!) and then made my way to the train station. I was way to tired and lazy to ride home. Here are some pictures to show off my adventure...
I tried to explain these little garden houses to my mom. I think a picture might help.

on the way pictures...

No need to stop to throw your trash away, just toss it in. Why don't we have these in the states?

Famous for it's cheese, Gouda!

So this should have been up with the "on the way" pictures but this one has a story so it gets a special spot down here...So while I was still in Rotterdam, winding along a big lake I passed by this boat that looked like a great (and cute!) photo opportunity. I stopped and asked "Do you mind if I take a picture" I got to talking with the dog's owner, Bart. Bart owns a restaurant in the center,
Branco, and thinks I should work there! Apparently it has a FABULOUS terrace that is PERFECT in the summer. He offered me a job within about 2 minutes of meeting me and reminded me a few times to "just come on down whenever you like, you got a job"...
chelsea, on their site it says they are looking for a dishwasher lol!
lol, I think Ineke got scared you'd leave them. ;)
Ps. I've never seen these garbage nets before. There needs to be more of them!
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