Middleburg is the capital of Zeeland which is a little less than 2 hours south of Rotterdam on the border of Belgium. It's another "cute" dutch town.
This little boy was just walking his little pup all around the church all alone...
Then we met this little guy. I can't remember his name but it was definitly something "latin" sounding, like Paco or something hahaha...
Oh yeah and horseback riding is cool too...
The other day I had to get up earlier than usual to go a few doors down to the bakery for bread. This is what I saw when I went outside...
They were asking 5cents for their crafts. I made their day (or year) by giving them each 20 cent coins :)...
For Kristen's birthday we went to this fun Italian restaurant. This cute jar is now hanging out in my bedroom...
This is what my 8euro lunch looks like from Spirit. It's buffet style (like Whole Foods) and pretty yummy...
Random things,
My new favorite Dutch word is "badonkt". It means "thanks". It just sounds really funny and I can't bring myself to actually use it.
I tried to make hummus but failed pretty bad. I've done it a bunch of times at home with canned beans but I really wanted to try it with raw beans. But yeah, definitely didn't cook the beans enough. Definitely came out with yucky rawish hummus stuff. Definitely threw it away.
Things I want to start next next week-
1. I want to go to the market and buy random fabrics to make a quilt.
2. Start cooking more yummy things that remind me of home. Like tacos and tofu scramble. yuuum!
3. Figure out how to sneak into the movies. (Lukusz and I tried twice and failed big time) I don't have that confident flare that I used to. Though the dumb/american/blond thing works nicely here! hahaha.
4. Continue to plan my big 2010 USA roadtrip. Route 66 here I come!!
:( I miss sourdough bread and tacos late at night. oh and frozen yogurt. (I must be getting hungry)
Chelsea, sourdough is called zuurdesem in dutch and for sure will be available in the bio/green shop you've been to.
taco's are one of the boys favorite so will be welcomed heartily :)
ps; you can forget about sneaking in the movies. Trust me.
I just noticed that there was a place to leave comments. Can you get corn tortillas there? That would be something you could keep around for late night snack with cheese. I know you must have cheese in the fridge! Thanks for the great photos.
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